
InterFM FIVE STARS Monday #003 (090420)
(Click for download link through Sayumin.org)
FIVE STARS started off with Eri talking about her breakfast. Remember them talking about Ume Sukombu Gummy 2 weeks ago? This time round, Eri ate rice balls with Ume (Plums) and Kombu which were given to her by Aika.
Eri : It was so nice that I thought I just have to share it with you so today..
Gaki-san : You brought them for me?
Eri : (lol) I didn't.
Gaki-san : You're a liar. Today's not April's fools.
Eri : Eh? Its not?
Morning Musume - Shouganai Yume Oibito ♪
Mail #1 : Congrats GAKIKAME on their new radio program. The sender brought up Jewel Pet too. Eri had watched the first episode of Jewel Pet and she realised she was so nervous during the recording that her voice turned so high pitch that she can't recognise it but instead of getting discourage for not being able to use her naturally sweet voice, Eri takes this as an experience so that she can learn from it and will try to continue improving. Looks like the "BE Positive!" corner in FM FUJI GAKIKAME worked. Eri sounded really positive unlike the 2007 Eri. Gaki-san is looking forward to watching it too and reminded Eri to send her a mail when the anime is going to start so that she'll be able to catch it on TV too.
Mail #2 : Unique greeting from sender.
Gaki-san : "Gaki-san, Kamei-san, Mont blanc wa" (Its suppose to be Konban wa)
Eri : (lol) Is this funny?
Gaki-san : How is it even related to "Konban wa" (Good evening)?
Eri : This is something we were suppose to laugh at right?
Gaki-san : Yes, laugh at it! HAHAHAHA.
The sender wanted to know the secret behind the girls' way of releasing their stress in order to stay cheerful everyday.
Gaki-san : Does Kamei Eri-chan feels stressed?
Eri : I'm 20 you know..its normal to feel stressed.
Gaki-san : Oh, you mean you actually feel stressed. Oops, so sorry, I was being rude.
Eri : What was that suppose to mean?!
Lol'd at Gaki-san teasing our little turtle.
Eri recommended her strange way of releasing stress, the same one that she had mentioned on MUSIO during Pepper Keibu's promotion. There are times whereby Eri feels like screaming to release all the stress but its at night, so she can't just go screaming where ever she likes. So here's how she does it.
Step 1 : Go home.
Step 2 : Go into the bathroom.
Step 3 : Place your face in the bathtub (Filled with water)
Step 4 : Scream all you want.
Screaming this way will not disturb anyone since your voice will be muffled. Showing slight hints of the weird Eri we all know, Eri declared that its actually fun to do this. Gaki-san on the other hand has never done such a thing. Eri was asked to show an example, so she was screaming in the studio. She really wants people to try it, so do try it when you're feeling stressed or something.
And as for Gaki-san, instead of doing something so strange, Disneyland can do miracles for her. Whether she's depressed or stressed, going Disneyland cheers her up. They added on saying that sleeping will be a good way too. Eri says she's pretty much the Sleep-and-forget type so sleeping a good way of releasing stress. She also emphasised on the importance of sleep and claims that if she don't sleep, the stress on her will build it.
Mail #3 : Congrats GAKIKAME on their new radio program. The sender had went to all the concerts in Matsudo for Platinum 9 DISCO which made the girls really happy to hear that.
Morning Musume - Mikan ♪
Temiyan - Suki de ♪
FIVE STARS Corner : Eri is into aromas recently which works as a sort of therapy for her. Even though there might be quite a handful of people who dislike the smell of aromas, but Eri thinks that there's definitely a type of aroma flavour and actually suit each and everyone of us since there's quite a wide variety of aromas. Eri personally likes Lavender aromas which she has been using at night when she sleeps. According to Gaki-san, Aichan has been bringing strawberry aroma oils in their dressing rooms during concerts which helps quite a bit in soothing the members. Gaki-san requests for Eri to bring some along too for their concerts and radio show recordings which Eri had agreed and said she'll bring the Kamei brand aroma oils then. She had mentioned earlier on that her mother makes some aroma oils for her too. Even though she promised to bring it, Gaki-san highly doubts so. So with that, Aromas were five stars'd by our little turtle ♥
Morning Musume - Yowamushi ♪
The girls had some beverages on their tables and apparently Eri has been biting on the straw. Gaki-san can't stand chewing on the straw cos' it makes it difficult to drink the drink through the straw as its compressed. Gaki-san for no good reason is actually very passionate about straws and told Eri the straw will hurt if she chews on it and told Eri that the straw don't want to fall into Eri's hands on the behalf of the straw. Eri started scolding the straw for doing that which made it absolutely funny. Oh yes if you're wondering..these 2 girls are 20-year-old adults
Promotions for Platinum 9 DISCO and 「Morning Musume's 39th Single, Shouganai Yume Oibito」
You can send in song requests or messages to the radio show through five-nk@interfm.jp or this form.
GAKIKAME : Ba~hai~

InterFM FIVE STARS Monday #003 (090420)
(Click for download link through Sayumin.org)
FIVE STARS started off with Eri talking about her breakfast. Remember them talking about Ume Sukombu Gummy 2 weeks ago? This time round, Eri ate rice balls with Ume (Plums) and Kombu which were given to her by Aika.
Eri : It was so nice that I thought I just have to share it with you so today..
Gaki-san : You brought them for me?
Eri : (lol) I didn't.
Gaki-san : You're a liar. Today's not April's fools.
Eri : Eh? Its not?
Morning Musume - Shouganai Yume Oibito ♪
Mail #1 : Congrats GAKIKAME on their new radio program. The sender brought up Jewel Pet too. Eri had watched the first episode of Jewel Pet and she realised she was so nervous during the recording that her voice turned so high pitch that she can't recognise it but instead of getting discourage for not being able to use her naturally sweet voice, Eri takes this as an experience so that she can learn from it and will try to continue improving. Looks like the "BE Positive!" corner in FM FUJI GAKIKAME worked. Eri sounded really positive unlike the 2007 Eri. Gaki-san is looking forward to watching it too and reminded Eri to send her a mail when the anime is going to start so that she'll be able to catch it on TV too.
Mail #2 : Unique greeting from sender.
Gaki-san : "Gaki-san, Kamei-san, Mont blanc wa" (Its suppose to be Konban wa)
Eri : (lol) Is this funny?
Gaki-san : How is it even related to "Konban wa" (Good evening)?
Eri : This is something we were suppose to laugh at right?
Gaki-san : Yes, laugh at it! HAHAHAHA.
The sender wanted to know the secret behind the girls' way of releasing their stress in order to stay cheerful everyday.
Gaki-san : Does Kamei Eri-chan feels stressed?
Eri : I'm 20 you know..its normal to feel stressed.
Gaki-san : Oh, you mean you actually feel stressed. Oops, so sorry, I was being rude.
Eri : What was that suppose to mean?!
Lol'd at Gaki-san teasing our little turtle.
Eri recommended her strange way of releasing stress, the same one that she had mentioned on MUSIO during Pepper Keibu's promotion. There are times whereby Eri feels like screaming to release all the stress but its at night, so she can't just go screaming where ever she likes. So here's how she does it.
Step 1 : Go home.
Step 2 : Go into the bathroom.
Step 3 : Place your face in the bathtub (Filled with water)
Step 4 : Scream all you want.
Screaming this way will not disturb anyone since your voice will be muffled. Showing slight hints of the weird Eri we all know, Eri declared that its actually fun to do this. Gaki-san on the other hand has never done such a thing. Eri was asked to show an example, so she was screaming in the studio. She really wants people to try it, so do try it when you're feeling stressed or something.
And as for Gaki-san, instead of doing something so strange, Disneyland can do miracles for her. Whether she's depressed or stressed, going Disneyland cheers her up. They added on saying that sleeping will be a good way too. Eri says she's pretty much the Sleep-and-forget type so sleeping a good way of releasing stress. She also emphasised on the importance of sleep and claims that if she don't sleep, the stress on her will build it.
Mail #3 : Congrats GAKIKAME on their new radio program. The sender had went to all the concerts in Matsudo for Platinum 9 DISCO which made the girls really happy to hear that.
Morning Musume - Mikan ♪
Temiyan - Suki de ♪
FIVE STARS Corner : Eri is into aromas recently which works as a sort of therapy for her. Even though there might be quite a handful of people who dislike the smell of aromas, but Eri thinks that there's definitely a type of aroma flavour and actually suit each and everyone of us since there's quite a wide variety of aromas. Eri personally likes Lavender aromas which she has been using at night when she sleeps. According to Gaki-san, Aichan has been bringing strawberry aroma oils in their dressing rooms during concerts which helps quite a bit in soothing the members. Gaki-san requests for Eri to bring some along too for their concerts and radio show recordings which Eri had agreed and said she'll bring the Kamei brand aroma oils then. She had mentioned earlier on that her mother makes some aroma oils for her too. Even though she promised to bring it, Gaki-san highly doubts so. So with that, Aromas were five stars'd by our little turtle ♥
Morning Musume - Yowamushi ♪
The girls had some beverages on their tables and apparently Eri has been biting on the straw. Gaki-san can't stand chewing on the straw cos' it makes it difficult to drink the drink through the straw as its compressed. Gaki-san for no good reason is actually very passionate about straws and told Eri the straw will hurt if she chews on it and told Eri that the straw don't want to fall into Eri's hands on the behalf of the straw. Eri started scolding the straw for doing that which made it absolutely funny. Oh yes if you're wondering..these 2 girls are 20-year-old adults
Promotions for Platinum 9 DISCO and 「Morning Musume's 39th Single, Shouganai Yume Oibito」
You can send in song requests or messages to the radio show through five-nk@interfm.jp or this form.
GAKIKAME : Ba~hai~