Niigaki Risa ★10

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Thursday, December 3rd, 2009

Good evening ( ̄▽ ̄)b
This is Niigaki Risa who has been into Michael Jackson recently
Lately...I've been dancing to Michael's DVD together with papa and mama.
My little sister will give us a cold look as we do that...(lol)

Currently, I'm travelling in a bus as I eat my coffee jelly, I'm playing Michael's songs in my head and suddenly, I hummed a phrase from the song...Then, at that moment, Kame looked at me...Yes, Kame laughed at me...

(*≧m≦*) Pupu

And this was Gaki-han who had just wrote about her recent activities

See you ( ´∀`)/~~

> Original Post