I'm just doing some reflection now.
- 2009/5/29 Friday by 亀井絵里(モーニング娘。)
I was in charge of the blog yesterday, but I forgot to write up a post‥Of course its not that I'm saying that I forgot when its just me not writing one‥But since I forgot to write one, I'm writing up one now.
Hello everyone ~
I'm Kamei Eri who was in the role of Tsuru Erika for our first play.
Being able to take part in this play is like granting one of my wishes.
When I was younger, I wanted my name to be Erika.
I was fascinated by how princess-liked it sounds.
In this play, I get called Erika a lot and it makes me very happy ~
To those who are hesitating to go to this play or not, to come or not, or (or) you can't make up your mind, do come to see us.
It'll make us very happy ~
Reina's looking for me now ~
Oi~ Tanaka-san ~
Eri's over here ~
I'm over here ~
- 2009/5/29 Friday by 亀井絵里(モーニング娘。)
I was in charge of the blog yesterday, but I forgot to write up a post‥Of course its not that I'm saying that I forgot when its just me not writing one‥But since I forgot to write one, I'm writing up one now.
Hello everyone ~
I'm Kamei Eri who was in the role of Tsuru Erika for our first play.
Being able to take part in this play is like granting one of my wishes.
When I was younger, I wanted my name to be Erika.
I was fascinated by how princess-liked it sounds.
In this play, I get called Erika a lot and it makes me very happy ~
To those who are hesitating to go to this play or not, to come or not, or (or) you can't make up your mind, do come to see us.
It'll make us very happy ~
Reina's looking for me now ~
Oi~ Tanaka-san ~
Eri's over here ~
I'm over here ~