「Red Sweet Pea」 akai suiito pii - I've probably repeated this like a thousand times, but again, its amazing how soothing Eri's voice can be. Ballads are just too suitable for Eri. As for the rest of the members in Tanpopo#, I'm surprised by Chisato. She certainly went over my expections with those perfect vibratos. Not going to comment on Aika and Yurina, since its not something good anyway. Overall, this song is refreshing. We don't hear Eri singing together with girls from other groups often since she never really got a chance to get into a subgroup neither do we see Eri with
that many lines in a group song. Who knows? If this group is well-received, Tsunku may just let them release some singles :P *Daydreams*
「I want to protect you」 mamotte agetai - A GAKI-KAME duet. Which GAKI-KAME fan wouldn't love it? Kudos to Gaki-san for her fantastic harmonising skills with Eri and ending the song with a "
mamotte agetai ♪" by Eri is probably one of the most brilliant decisions Tsunku had ever made in his life :P The 2 girls sound real sweet and I'm convinced that GAKIKAME is not only my favourite comedy duo, but also, my favourite duet. And of course, this song is my favourite track out of all the 14 tracks in the album. Now all we need is for this song to be performed live on stage, be it the upcoming ~Hello Chanpuru~ concert or ~Nine Smile~ concert tour :D