GAKI▪KAME #056 (2008.04.26)

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

G : Good evening! I'm Niigaki Risa!
K : I'm Kamei Eri who is acting recklessly this concert tour!
[遮二無二 shanimuni : Recklessly]
G : Ohh...Shanimuni...
K : ..Paradise
G : ..Paradise
K : Lets go paradise ~
G : Lets go paradise ~
K : Shanimuni...lets go paradise ~
G : Lets go paradise ~


K : I'm currently crazy over kombu.
G : Kame was there holding onto a bottle of kombu-filled umeboshi and eating after another!
[Umeboshi : Pickled plums]
K : Thats b'cos I'm crazy over them now...
G : The problem is not about whether you're crazy over them or not
K : Yes...So please don't look at me when i eat them...
K : Gakisan, its GW soon
G : Oh..GW!
K : GW! I wonder if the listeners get it...
G : ..Wonder if they'll get it...GW...Just say it normally!
K : Golden week!
G : Yup!
K : Golden week is going to start soon...but when is your Individual Golden Week?
G : I wonder when...whens yours, Kame?
K : I wonder if I have one...
G : You look like you're having Golden Week everyday (laughs)
K : Isn't that a good thing?
G : You're always doing things in your own pace...Like when you feel like sleeping you'll sleep...Just like yesterday...We had a photographing session...and in the dressing room there was a sofa...and after Kame done her makeup she said "Eri-chan feels like sleeping!" and went to lie one it.
K : The dressing room we had yesterday was the best..
G : It was wide and neat and the sofa was big. A perfect dressing room for Kame. And we could do anything we want there.
K : Seriously..Thank you!
G : It was directed to the dressing room?
K : Yeah, the dressing room.
G : But anyway...Like when times we get a long holiday it feels great to be able to be traveling with your family.
K : Yeah...only when you get to have a long holiday...
G : But you definitely will not go out with your family when you have a day off right?
K : Yup, i won't!
G : You'll just be sleeping at home isn't it?
K : Yes!

Letter : How did GAKIKAME felt when they got to know that they'd be able to hold a concert at Korea? What was the rest of the members' reactions? Is this the first time Eririn will be in Korea?
K : Yup! My first time going to Korea!
G : We were really happy when we heard that..
K : That was a really long letter...we were glad to hear that!
G : We're looking forward to meeting the fans there and hearing that the fans there are anticipating our arrival it makes us look forward to it more.
K : Yup!
G : Don't act all pokepoke on that day!
K : I won't!
G : Lets get fired up!
K : ..get fired up!
G : I wonder what the fans' reactions were..
K : I don't know!
G : Even when we hold concerts in Japan our fans in Korea comes over for the concert with "Risa"..."Go for it!" and such written in Korean on their boards. And now that we will be holding a concert in a different country, we're looking forward to meeting the fans there!

Morning Musume - Resonant Blue

G : GAKIKAME will take on personality tests next! Today's personality test is sent in by Happoubijin Contest-san! Everyone in front of their radios please try them out with us! Kame, please concentrate today!
K : Okay...then i shall say something here. If you really want me to concentrate then please return me that pen!
G : You don't need it! I'm the one responsible for writing down the answers.
K : But..what..should I do then..!
G : Use your intuition..listen to what people say then make a decision.
K : Intuition...
G : I tried doing this test was difficult.
K : Ehh...
G : Here we go..
Question 1 : You have a diamond in possession. How big is it and what type of diamond is it? Please answer the following questions in order.
G : Alright..Kame..decide..
K : How bi..
G : ..Decide how big it is first
K : The those stones that you can throw it in a river and it'll go pyonpyonpyon flying on the surface of the water...That size!
G : That size? So small? Like making a circle with your fingers?
K : The OKAY size
[Make the OKAY sign with your fingers. Thats how big the turtle wants it to be.]
G : The OKAY size alright?
K : A little bit bigger then the OKAY size.
G : A little bigger then the OKAY size?
K : Yup. Just a little bigger.
G : Okay. Got it! So...the diamond..what type of diamond is it..?
K : It'll be either a blue one or a white one.
G : or was really all up to your imagination..
K : It'll be blue or white..and it'll be glimmering...and its a in a diamond shape
G : Diamond shape...
K : It'll be painful if you get cut by it..
G : ...Got'll be painful if you get cut by it... (laughs) Alright! Enough of the descriptions!
K : There will be a small wound if you get cut by it...sometimes you'll feel like you got cut by it...
G : Okay okay..sometimes you'll feel like you got cut by it...sometime?
K : Sometime.
Question 2 : Someone stole your diamond to have a peek at it. Who stole it?
K : Ehh? Who? Who...who..? Is it even possible for someone to steal my diamond..?
[Precisely! If the person got caught by Eri she'll have a taste of her thunderthighs :B]
G : Who is it?
K : You chose someone in Morning Musume?
G : Nope.
K : This is difficult..
G : was difficult for me to decide
K : That someone stole? She stole my diamond? Eh? ...My younger sister!
G : Younger sister...
K : My younger sister is jealous of me being cute sometimes.
G : Your perception must be wrong! (laughs)
K : Its not! Its the truth!
G : Your younger sister is cute isn't she!
K : My younger sister..when i tell her "you're cute!" she'll say "nah..Eri is cute.." its like th..
G : (ignores) We'll proceed to question 3.
Question 3 : You decided to polish your diamond. How was the diamond after you polished it? Does it look better then before? Or does it looks like it has no difference?
K : I think there won't be any difference..
G : No difference...
K : That happens mother tells me to clean the dirty items..after cleaning it still looks the same as before.
G : Thats because your method of cleaning was wrong! Alright..the last question..
Question 4 : You're going to give the beautiful diamond a name. What will its name be?
K : Diamond...diamond...erm...
G : Take your time..remember its a beautiful one..a glimmering one..
K : ...then...Mondkira!
[Mond from diaMond, Kira from KiraKira : Glimmering. Thats what I think. Eri didn't explain why that name.]
G : (laughs) Thats funny! Mondkira! For me..the first question..its quite big..around the size of your palm...and its glimmering. The second question..its a girl...someone who i don't know though...
K : Thats scary!
G : After polishing it it'll be shining more then before. And for the last question...I asked papa about it for an english name..My image of it was like..when you soaked it in water and you take it out it'll be we came up with Shine like a Rainbow.
K : Woooow...But you got help from your papa!
G : I thought up of it with him! All he did was just to translate it into English.
K : Oh...Okay...Sorry!(laughs)
G : (laughs) Its okay!
Answer 1 : This is your self-confidence's estimation.
Answer 2 : Someone who you feels threatened when being with him/her.
Answer 3 : Your ability's estimation.
Answer 4 : This is the nickname you want to be called.
[Eri's results were bad as usual.]
K : (laughs) Aren't your result is worse then mine for that!
[Referring to Answer 4]
G : When i read the results i was a little embarrassed...Shine like a Rainbow...I wouldn't want that!
K : In Japanese it'll be Niji no you ni kagayaku.
[Niji no you ni kagayaku - Shine like a rainbow. Lol]
G : It'll be awkward..But Mondkira wouldn't be good either! Like..Mondkira!
K : (laughs)
G : Today's test was funny...

Ayaka - Okaeri

G : Your amiableness makes me happy...blah blah blah
[Lol. I don't know what to do with the rest of the sentence o: If you've noticed you'd have realised I'll usually skip their narcissist sentences]
K : (laughs)
G : That was embarrassing!
K : Gakisan's face! She had a really great expression just now!
G : I won't show it again! will be GAKIKAME's new corner! Narikiri narcissist!
[Skipped the whole part of the 1st letter. Nothing interesting. Basically they just talked about Eri's cold jokes during a concert.]
2nd Letter : Do GAKIKAME fall asleep without themselves knowing? Kame-chan looks like she has such experiences.
G : (laughs)
K : I knew he'd say that. Well..yup, its true.
G : You can sleep anywhere? At what type of places?
K : For depends..
G : You'll have to see what the place is? (laughs)
K : Like...I can sleep on sofas...when we move around I'll usually feel sleepy but i just can't sleep. I'm fussy when we talk about sleeping. My head will hit against the window sometimes when i sleep [on vehicles], or even at times my head will "oscillate" and hit into something.
G : Ehh! You're a sleeping-pro.
K : Yup...sleeping-pro. Not long ago...we were at a hotel...just the day Nagoya! It was very was so comfortable that it made me feel like sleeping. But I wasn't in the go-to-sleep mode. So I was on a futon, with my hands under my head, lying on the bed looking at the ceiling and started to think about what happened that day...I didn't intend to sleep actually. But when I started thinking of what to do the next day I fell asleep. Somehow I just woke up when I realised I fell asleep...I think for...(thinks)
G : You don't know what to say?
K : But what I just wanna say is...
G :'re fussy over things that affects your sleep.
K : Yes...fussy about them...But I think that one can easily fall asleep with their hands under their heads
G : The main point is...
K : The main point is...Its a looong story..
G : Long story! The listeners may have wanted to listen to the full story and you just ended it suddenly. But being able to sleep anywhere is a good thing actually. For Aichan she has this red towel with her ever since 5th generation joined Morning Musume...She can't sleep without that red towel...Its a must for her to have it even when we're overseas and such. For me I can sleep...But i won't sleep.
K : Gakisan is very energetic...
G : I won't usually sleep much
K : You look like you don't sleep..(sleepy voice mode activated)
G : You feel like sleeping now isn't it!

Gakisan selection : Morning Musume - Roman ~ My Dear Boy ~

Letter : The sender don't listen to radioshows in the past. But ever since GAKIKAME started he started to show interest in their radioshows. He mentions that he runs a shop and when he closes the shop to round up the accounts and such listening to their radioshows helps him relax after the whole day of work.
G : Its happy to hear that our radioshow able to "heal" him this way.
K : Yeah.
G : Its not like as if you "healed" him, Kame.
K : I "healed" him! We're just like angels
G :'s letters are a little difficult to talk about...What should we do? Whats your way of "healing" yourself? Other then sleeping.
K : Okay...Recently my way of "healing" is to take a bath.
G : That means you usually don't bath in the bathtub?
K : I won't usually bath in the bathtub. Bathing in the bathtub wasn't really my "medicine" till recently. Usually when you come out of the bathroom isn't there a nice scent on you? But somehow I didn't have that scent when i came out.
G : You mean there wasn't any smell? (laughs) In the first place was there suppose to be a smell?
K : There should! Just not long ago when I took a bath it smelled really nice. It really makes one relax when they're tired. So I wondered if the "taste" that people talked about having a nice bath was this.
G : You're slow in realising that!
K : I'm usually slow in picking up on what people say.
G : But its a good thing though...One will usually look forward to doing something they like.
K : I look forward to them ~
G : For me I will usually go home..and watch the scenery. I'll then sit down and start writing down my reflection for that day. I love watching sceneries, especially during evenings. And also, like today, I arrived at the studio a little too early so I went to the coffee lounge and was watching a baby in a stroller calling "mama!"..that sort of feeling.
K : Ah...thats b'cos you're gonna be an adult're gonna be 20 this year.
G : You too!
K : Me...
G : I wonder if Kamo can turn 20...
K : Its not Kamo. Its Kame.
G : I wonder if she can...I feel uneasy about that!
K : I can!
G : Alright, lets take things one step at a time then.

Promotions for All Single Complete 2008 Spring Concert Tour, Cinderella the Musical.

G : Morning Musume no Niigaki Risa to
K : Kamei Eri deshita!
G : Mata raishu
Oyasumi nasai ~