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Opening Talk
M : Ready..
Rokkies : Good evening!
M : I'm Michishige Sayumi from Morning Musume and..
K : ..I'm Kamei Eri and..
R : I'm Tanaka Reina!
M : Yay! The show has started! This is the first Konusapi that is aired LIVE!
K : Thank you.
R : Thank you.
M : Its an expansion SP.
K : Isn't it awesome?
M : Its a really awesome thing.
K : I'm worried that I'll fall asleep halfway through.
M & R : Stop that.
K : Its my bedtime now (She used "Onenen" which is beddy-bye, bedtime in baby
M : Don't say things like "Onenen"
R : Its your onenen now?
K : I'm a little worried about it..
M : We're only at the opening of the show, so please don't say things like that. So,
how are both of you feeling now?
R : I'm Ukiuki..UkiDoki..UkiDoki now.
M : (lol) What's UkiDoki?
R : I'm excited (Ukiuki) and my heart is throbbing (DokiDoki)
K : Feels like I'm over at Sayu's house to play.
M : Ah..you mean now?
R : You mean its that kind of atmosphere?
M : Its kind of like a party. And its even at night. Iya..night's tension isn't it?
R : Yeah.
M : Alright, with that, the first LIVE broadcast has started. Michishige Sayumi's
Konya mo Usachan Peace SP 50 minutes more then usual. Please stay with us till the
end. Let's go.."Konya mo..
Rokkies : ...Usachan Peace!"
M : We'll started of with the first song. When we talk about these 3 of us..
R : ..its that.
M : Its that right?
K : Un.
M : It'll probably be what everyone is thinking about.
Morning Musume - Shabondama
Mail #1
M : "Sayumin, Eririn, Reina-tic (?) Konsa!"
Rokkies : Konsa!
M : "Ever since the show started running, you've always said you want to invited Eri
and Reina on show and your wish is granted now isn't it. As a listener, I was looking
forward to today since last week. Now that Rokkie members are gathered here,
please get excited over talking about stories about Rokkies' debut!"
K & R : Thank you!
M : I really said I want to invite Eri and Reina on show during the first episode.
R : Wow, your wish came true today.
M : Yeah, today will be memorable.
R : And we have 80 minutes.
M : Yeah, that's right. 80 minutes is long (lol)
R : (lol) I'm kind of worried about Eri.
M : Yeah!
K : My eyelids are getting heavier and heavier.
R : Hey!
M : Hey! Stop that.
K : Just now I asked Sayu "What will you do if I fell asleep halfway?" and she said "Go
R : If that happens I'll work hard along with Sayu to run the show
M : Yes yes.
R : Its okay for you to sleep now.
K : I'll stay with you all till the middle of the show..
R : (lol) middle of the show.
M : Please stay with us till the end of the show.
Mail #2
M : "Michishige-san, Kamei-san, Tanaka-san, good evening!"
Rokkies : Good evening!
M : "Congratulation on LIVE SP."
Rokkies : Thank you.
M : "Tanaka-san has just started on her regular radioshow."
R : Yes.
M : "Since Kamei-san and Michishige-san have started their own regular radioshows
earlier, I believe they're more senior (in terms of hosting a radioshow). So, does
Tanaka-san has anything that she wants to learn from her two seniors, or does she
need any advice?" (lol)
R : Erm..I'm okay with Kamei-san's advices. Can I just listen to Michishige Sayumi-
M : You're right.
K : Thats mean!
M : Eri is hosting her radioshow along with sub-leader Niigaki Risa-chan right?
K : Un.
M : You pushed all the work to her right?
K : That's because they refuse to give me the script! (Eri's scripts are shorter then
Gakisan's by quite a number of pages according to Eri on GAKI*KAME)
R : When I was a guest on their show, I was really wondering about what to do with
Eri's type of treatment.
M : Seems so isn't it. From what I've heard.
K : Its just rumours.
M : Stop denying.
R : I wanted to ask Sayu..
M : Ask me whatever you like!
K : Throw all your questions out!
M : ..Eri, you can sleep for the time being now.
K : Okay okay, I got it, I got it.
R : I want to consult you about..isn't it difficult to talk alone on radioshows when you
don't have a companion?
M : I understand.
K : Since its that case, perhaps..
M & T : (cuts in) Hey.
K : Its not my turn yet?
T : Yeah, its still early.
M : That's quite a difficult question.. (lol)
T : In that case..what about thinking for topics?
M : As for topics I'll normally write down everything that happen, even the slightest
thing on a notebook.
K : Ah..Yes..
T : (cuts in) Okay its okay. I have one more question, one more, this is more serious.
K : Sorry, sorry.
T : My talks have no outcome.
M : (lol)
K : Ah, Reina's talks are long!
M : (lol) You shouldn't be saying that!
K : Sorry.
T : There's no outcome. So I'm wondering what should I do.
M : Since you're aware of that, its okay.
T : I'm not aware of that.
K : (lol)
M : (lol) Well, I can't give you a helping hand for that.
K : We can't help in that case, Tanaka-san, seriously.
M : But I think its rather admirable if thats the only trouble you're having. Do you
have any worries about radioshows, Eri?
K : Worries about radioshows?
M : Seems like you don't have any isn't it.
K : Hm..my worry is how can I get my hands on the script.
T ; (lol)
M : (lol) There.
K : Yeah.
M : Hm..as for scripts, it'll be alright. Since you have a set of script today.
Mail #3
M : "Sayumi, Eri-chan, Reina-chan, good evening!"
Rokkies : Good evening!
M : "Our dream of having the rokkies on LIVE broadcast has started"
K & T : Yeah.
M : "Also, on 11 November, Reina-chan has officially turned 18. Its a little late, but
Reina-chan, happy birthday!"
K : Happy birthday!
T : Thank you!
M : "Even if I'm not able to get my mail read, I'll continue supporting you in my heart"
T : Thank you!
M : Happy birthday! (Applause)
T : Thank you!
K : Happy birthday!
T : This is my second job in my 18th year.
K : There were some jobs to do right after your birthday wasn't it?
T : Yesterday was my first. My radioshow. And today is my second.
K : Wow..
M : So with that, I've got a present for you.
K : Woah!
T : Really?! That bag is in pink! Looks cute.
M : Jajaaan! Happy birthday Reina!
K : Yay!
T : Thank you! Can I open it?
M : Open it, open it now.
T : I'm going to open it.
M : I had a hard time choosing a present.
K : Ah..how nice.
T : There's a letter attached to it!
K : Ah, there's a letter attached to it.
T : Can I read the letter?
M : Its not a letter, its a card (lol)
T : And there's nothing written on it.
K : There's nothing other then your names..
M : No no.
K : ..Only "Reina, Sayumi"
T : Wait..
M : I had a really hard time getting this. Yesterday when I was mailing with Eri, we
decided to go shopping.
T : Really? You guys went?
M : Yeah, but we couldn't find something that was Reina-liked.
K : We looked for a present seriously, but couldn't find anything.
M : Yeah. But this is really reina-liked.
T : Can I tear it (wrapper) up?
M : Go ahead.
T : Ah, I can see it! I can see it!
K : Its cute!
T : Its cute! Its a pouch!
K : Its cute!
T : Its purple in color.
K : Its purple.
M : Isn't it!
T : I'll use..eh? What?
(Staffs play "Happy Birthday" song)
K : Woaaaah!
M : Woaaaah! Happy birthday!
K : Happy birthday! ...Eri-chan?
M : Reina-chan, Eri-chan? (Both their names were written on the cake)
K : ..I'm included?
M : Its an advanced birthday cake.
K : Me? Me?
M : Yes. Lets blow the candles out today, 3, 2, 1..
Rokkies : FUUU.
Rokkies : WOO! (Applause)
T : Thank you! I'm very happy.
M : Its still a little early for Eri's birthday though.
T : Ever since I've joined Morning Musume there have been 3-4 times of such surprise
birthday cakes. Also, after I've joined, I get 3-4 birthday cakes for each birthday.
M : That's true.
K : That's true.
M : And here's something from me. Presents for both of you.
K & T : No way!
M : Something thats matching.
T : Really?
M : This is for Reina..
T : Thank you!
M : ..and this is for Eri
K : Yay! (cute)
M : ..and this is for myself. All 3 are matching. I thought it should keep today
memorable. I took some time to get these.
T : Yesterday?
M : Yeah, yesterday. Its all matching.
T : I'm very happy, very happy.
M : 3, 2, 1, jaaan!
K & T : (Squeal)
M : Its cute isn't it?
K : Reina, awesome!
T : Awesome!
K : Ah, not Reina. I mean Sayu, awesome!
M : Why did you mix up our names there?
T : And also, look closely, what do you realise?
K : I know it at one look. Its accordingly to our theme color right?
T : Yes!
M : Yes! Orange (Eri), blue (Reina) and pink (Sayu).
K : It looks really cute.
M : Its cute right?
K : Cute..
M : I got them according to our characters. I got them keychains, with our individual
names on our individual straps, "Reina", "Eri" and "Sayumi". For my strap I have a
strawberry and a rabbit on it, for Eri's strap she has a flower and a heart, and for
Reina she has a puppy and a heart on her's.
K : Its nice.
T : Lets use put them on our cellphones.
K : Lets put them on.
M : It looks cute right?
T : Yeah, its cute. And its according to what I like.
M : Right?
K : There were such a present for us..man.
M : You didn't expect it right?
T : Not even a bit.
M : Glad that you guys liked it.
K : Thank you! It'll be an important thing to me. (Well, Eri lost her strap already
Mail #4
M : "Sayumi, Eri-chan, Reina-chan, good evening!"
Rokkies : Good evening!
M : "Both Sayumi and Reina-chan have their own greetings like "Oyasayumin" and
"Otuskareina". Only pokepokepoo-san don't have her own. Please get pokepoke-san a
greeting for her at the end of today's show!"
K : Ah..thats good.
M : Thats good. It'll be like your personal catchphrase.
T : What will be good?
K : Eh..? Does that mean everyone is suppose to start thinking of some now?
M : The listeners will come up with some and send it to us.
K : When you hear about oyasumi..the next thing that comes is otsukare..so I don't
want my to be a greeting.
M : Ah?
K : Something like..Kamei..itte..ittekimasu (Kamei is going now)
M : (lol)
T : Kamei ittekimasu?
M : ..Its kind of difficult to come up with one..
K : Its (Kamei ittekimasu) not too idol-liked eh?
M : Kamei ittekimasu, (lol)
K : Something..a little different from the rest..?
T : Hm..yeah.
K : Just rely on your intuition.
M : Intuition.
K : Whatever that comes into your mind...do..
M : ...send it to us.
Mail #5
M : "Sayumi, Eririn, Reina, good evening!"
Rokkies : Good evening!
M : "I've been looking forward to today's Rokkies LIVE broadcast. Eririn, please throw
in a cold joke."
K : Wait a minute..Why is it me again?
T : Its a live broadcast now, so be quick!
M : That's right!
K : Eh? Alright, here I go..
M & T : Okay
K : Kameirasshai (pun)
M : (lol) That's cold.
T : Look at the staffs' faces.
M : Yeah.
K : I'm funny.
M : No you aren't. Lets move on.
Mail #6
M : "Sayumi, and guests Eri-chan, Reina-chan, Konusapi!"
Rokkies : Konusapi!
M : "Here's a question for three of you. Is there anything that you guys will definitely
not want to lose to one other?" "Now.." (cough)
T : Woah! (lol) (cough)
M : "Now @#$%"
K : Coughing at the same time?
M : (cough)
T : Are you okay?
M : Excuse me.
K : Singing..
T : I thought I'll lose
K : ..I won't want to lose out in singing.
M : (cough)
T : Eh..?
M : It says that it can be something in the past too.
T : Something that happened in the past?
M : During the audition I thought I'll lose.
K : What do you mean?
T : Oi!
M : (cough)
K : What do you mean by losing in the audition?
T : We 3 were in the training camp right? She thought she wouldn't be chosen.
K : That means she thought she won't make it in?
M : Yes.
T : Actually during the training camp I thought so too. I asked both of you to take a
picture with me during the camp right?
M : Yeah.
T : The truth behind why I asked for a picture was because I thought only both of
you will make it in, and at least I once had taken a picture with 2 Morning Musume
Mail #7
M : "Rokkies, good evening!"
Rokkies : Good evening!
M : "Reina-chan said that Eri-chan groped her during one of the concerts and it
surprised her. Why did Eri-chan groped her?"
T : I said it on my radioshow.
K : I groped you didn't I..
T : Do you remember?
K : Yes.
T : During "How do you like this Japan"
M : Ah, I envy her for getting a chance to touch your butt.
T : Woah!
M : I want to touch it too!
K : You want to touch it?
M : Yeah.
T : Sayu has never grope me before.
K : Reina was like inviting me to touch her butt, so..
M : Her butt looks soft right?
T : (lol)
M : Reina's.
K : Yes! It was that kind of feeling. She was like waiting for me to touch it.
M : You mean she..
T : (lol) I wasn't waiting for it!
K : She really did!
M : Reina shouldn't do that!
K : I touched her butt..but usually during concerts Reina will make some signs right?
M : Yeah
K : Like "peace" and such. So at that time I thought she made a sign to allow me to
do it.
M : (lol)
T : We were really high-tensioned that day and suddenly she groped me and I
thought "Ah!" and kind of stopped there.
M : How did it feel like to touch her butt?
K : It felt great.
T & M : (lol)
K : Its a LIVE broadcast so they can't cut away this part so let's stop talking about
T & M : (lol)
Mail #8
M : "Sayumin, Eririn, Reina-chan, good evening!"
Rokkies : Good evening
M : “Congratulation on LIVE broadcast!”
Rokkies : Thank you.
M : “Morning Musume is currently led by Takahashi Ai-chan right?”
T : Yeah.
M : “Rokkies might get a chance too in the future. So with that, here's a question, if
there were to be a leader in Rokkies, who do you all think she will be?”
T : Me!
K : Me! It'll be me! I'm the oldest one here.
M : No you can't be the leader.
T : You can't.
M : Its usually the oldest but Eri don't have the image of a leader.
T : Its either me or Sayu.
M : Yeah.
K : We'll be looking forward to see who'll be the leader right?
T : Yeah.
M : To say the truth I think I'll be the leader.
T : When I think about it..I think it'll be Sayu.
M : See!
T : She's able to put everything together.
K : She might be able to do that..but being the leader will be troublesome isn't it?
T : Un.
M : Yeah, seems so.
K : You have to carry out conversations and such.
M & T : Un.
K : Do you understand? The smartest one among the three of us is me.
M : That's not true.
K : It made sense right?
M : No it didn't.
T : Yeah, it didn't.
K : But according to the arrangement, it'll be me, Sayu then Reina right?
M : There's no such arrangement.
T : That..might..hm..yeah
M : No, its not chosen this way. It depends on the image. The image is an important
thing. Its important for the person to have leadership.
T : That means Eri won't get a chance.
M : She don't even have the script
T : You're right.
M : How can she lead without the script?
T : Yeah
M : But after all, the leader is Aichan right?
K : Yeah
T : Yeah
Mail #9
M : "Super-cute trio, good evening!"
Rokkies : Good evening!
M : " Reina-chan, happy belated birthday!"
R : Thank you.
M : "Kame-chan please describe your current mood using a 4 word idiom. This is the
first LIVE broadcast so you all might be very nervous, but I'll be looking forward to
your talks." (If you've been listening to GAKI*KAME, Eri will always throw in a 4 word
idiom at the start of the show)
M : Now, a 4 word idiom to describe your current mood.
K : How I feel now using a 4 word idiom? Erm..zettai zetsumei (絶体絶命 - desperate
M : No way!
T : Why? Why?
K : ..I don't know. They just asked for one out of blue! (extremely cute)
M : Say things like kibun soukai (気分爽快 - feeling great)
T : ..or kibun joujou (気分上上 - feeling great too, but its not a 4 word idiom)
M : That's not a 4 word idiom.
K : That's not a 4 word idiom!
T : (lol)
K : 4 word idioms have 4 kanjis thats why they are called 4 word idioms, if it don't
have 4 words it'll be just idioms, Reina.
M : That's right.
T : Isn't kibun joujou in 4 kanjis?
K : Its not. (Well, kibun joujou is in 4 kanjis, but its not a 4 word idiom)
M : Do you know whats the meaning of "jukugo (idiom)"?
K : Jukugo is..
T : Its a @#$, not not @#$, I mean its a saying (lol)
K : (lol)
M : Man, these two are just talking among themselves, how mean.
K : Sorry!
T : Sorry!
M : Alright, we'll move on. So how are you feeling now?
K : Kibun joujou!
Rokkies : (lol)
Mail #10
M : "Sayumi @#$@#, beautiful Reina"
K : Ah, that's good.
M : "Sayumi and Eri-chan are beautiful too, but Reina-chan is more beautiful" (They're talking about the names btw, not their appearances. If it were their appearances Eri would have given Reina a taste of her thunderthigh at that moment

T : Yay.
M : Its kind of unfair.
T : Thank you.
M : But the name "Reina" is beautiful isn't it?
T : Really?
K : Yeah. It has an image of someone who will appear on TV.
M : Yes.
T : No way! For me its the other way round, I don't want to be called "Reina"
M : No way!
T : My name is too simple! Its just "Tanaka Reina".
M : Its easy to be remembered. The "Rei" in "Reina" is beautiful isn't it?
K : Yes!
M : If "Rei" was changed to numbers it means zero. And if it was for Sayumi it'll be "Sa" in numbers.
T : You mean its not good?
K : Its not good?
M : It'll be san (three).
K : That's good!
T : "Sayumi" is good.
M : Well, but after all its (Sayumi) rare.
T : And for "Kamei Eri" the "Kame" is good IMO.
M : Its good right!
K : I was always getting teased by it when I was in elementary.
M : Why?
T : Because of the "Kame (Turtle)"?
K : Yeah
T : (lol)
M : I was called "Michishigemichi" you know!
K : (lol) You told me before!
M : Either one of the names are nice.
K : Yeah.
M : But after all "Reina" is nice.
K : Yes, "Reina" is nice.
M : I find "Kusumi Koharu" beautiful too.
T : I understand!
K : And also "Ishikawa Rika".
M & T : Ah! Yes!
K : Its beautiful right?
M : Un.
T : Ishikawa-san's name is nice. "Ishikawa Rika"
M : Those that are related to water are nice. (Ishikawa's "kawa" can be translated as river)
T : Yeah.
M : Kind of like. IshiKAWA Rika.
T : Yeah.
M : But for me its MichishiGE.
T : (lol)
M : GE.
Mail #11
M : "Sayumi, Eri-chan and Reina-chan who has turned 18 on 11 Nov, good evening!"
Rokkies : Good evening!
M : "A question for Reina-chan. Is there anything you're looking forward to doing now that you're 18?"
T : Ehhh..something that I'm looking forward to?
M : ..After you've turned 18.
T : Before I turned 18 I was looking forward to this job.
M : Oh..
T : And it just came in right after I turned 18.
K : Are you enjoying it?
T : Its fun, but I don't want to be 18.
M : Here it comes, here it comes.
K : Here it comes, here it comes.
T : Can I add something else?
M : Yeah, sure.
T : (lol)
K : Why..
T : Can I continue?
K : Yeah.
T : Remember my catchphrase of me being 13? I really want to stay at 13, its not a joke.
M : You're older then that by 5 years now.
T : Yeah..
K : Reina does look like that age though but, yeah, she's 18.
T : It feels like I'm 18?
K : Yeah.
T : Where? What made you feel that I'm 18?
M : (lol)
K : For example..your necklace is in gold.. and such.
T : I'll change that then. I'll change it to something that a 13 year old will wear (lol)
K : (lol)
M : I wonder just what makes us feel this way..
K : I wonder where..
T : I'm curious about what makes people feel that way.
M : I understand how you feel. But since we're always together daily..so..we're interested in hearing people's opinions about us.
K : Yeah.
M : So please send your opinions in!
T : Yes, please send them in!
K : Onegaishimasu! (cute)
Eririn's selection, she says she chose accordinglyto her chokkan (intuition)
Morning Musume - Chokkan 2 ~ Nogashita Sakana wa Ookiizo! ~
Sakasama pannikku (Inversion panic corner, in this corner, the girls will be given a sentence and will be asked to say it out in the reversed way in 20 seconds. For eg. "Kamei Eri desu", they'll have to say "sude rie imeka")
M : Since all 3 Rokkies are here today, as long as 2 of us are able to say it, that means mission clear. Since its a teamwork game, if more then one of us are not able to clear it, we will all have to accept an embarrassing penalty game. So there's pressure on all of us!
K : Okay.
T : Okay.
M : Today's penalty games are really embarassing. Its really mean. Its kind of like a special version for this SP broadcast.
T : Special version?
K : SP version?
M : The staffs are really mean. We'll start from senpai Eri.
K : I'm very confident.
T : Really?
K : I manage to do it last time.
T : Awesome..even though it was your first time doing it.
M : Show Reina an example then.
K : Reina, watch me.
T : Okay.
Eri's challenge is "Moshi moshi Kame yo, kamesan yo" (Its from a song)
M : That's easy
K : ..yosa..mekameka..(lol) yosa..mekameka..mekameka..mo..shimoshimo..heh? I don't know..
T : (lol)
M : There's an idiot here (Refering to Eri)
K : ..yosa..
Announcer : Too bad.
K : How am I suppose to think of the answer?
M : If I got this as my challenge I would have cleared it easily.
K : Try it, try it.
M : Its really easy, its yonsa meka yo meka shimo shimo right? (Good job, Sayu!)
K : Wow.
T : ..yonsa meka..
K : yonsa meka..
M : Yonsa meka shimo shimo?
T : Awesome!
K : As expected of Sayu.
T : Yonsa meka..yomeka moshimoshimo?
M : That's wrong.
T : That's wrong eh..
M : The penalty game is really embarassing..man..what should we do?
K : What is this?!
M : This was really easy actually (Well, it really is compared to what was given to Sayu every time)
T : No way!
K : Really?
M : Yeah.
T : Man..
K : You guys get it right?
M : Eh?
K :..that only means that both of you have to get it right.
T : Why?
M : That means we can't fail!
K : Yeah.
T : EH?! Whose next then?!
Reina's challenge is "juuichigatsu juuichinichi" (11 November, じゅういちがつじゅういちにち, notice that the ゅ is the smaller one, Reina will get confused over it and not know how to read it the other way round later on.)
T : juuichigatsu..chini..nichi..chini..juuichi..chini. . ARGGHHH! WAIT! yuji?
M : (lol)
Announcer : Too bad!
T : How do I read the juu (じゅ)?
K : uuju (lol)
M : (lol) Quite a number of guests have came on Konusapi..like Berryz Koubou's Momo-chan and Yasuda-san..
K & T : Uh-huh.
M : But..we have never had such idiotic guests..
T : Eh?
M : The correct answer is "chinichiiyuji tsugachiiyuji"
T : That means the "yu" (ゅ) is suppose to be called "yu"? I thought I had to read it according to the smaller one! (It might be a little confusing for those who didn't study the hiragana table)
M : Wait..erm..then, I'll take up a challenge of saying it within 10 seconds, so if I manage to clear it there'll be no penalty game, are we okay with that? (To the staffs)
T : Please!
M : Is it okay? (The staffs agreed)
Sayu's (10 seconds) challenge is "kakikueba, kaneganarunari, houryuuji" (柿食えば、鐘が鳴るなり、法隆寺)
M : houryuuji..ji..houryuuji..jiuyuriuho (She's fast).. and what was before that? Do you guys remember?
K : kakikueba..
M : I can't remembeeeer! @#$%@#$
Announcer : Too bad!
K : Kaki#$%
M : It was "Kakikueba, kaneganarunari, houryuuji"
T : What's that?
M : That was it!
T : Sorry (for not helping her remember)
K : That's like a reversed anger!
Rokkies : (lol)
M : The answer is "jiuyuriuho.." I got this part right.
T : Yeah, that was awesome.
M : And then "rinarunaganeka boekukika" (Its not boekukika)
T : Isn't that long?
K : That's long!
M : Ah, I mean "baekukika".
T : Anything will do.
M : (lol)
K : Sayu!
T : Man..Sayu!
Eri's penalty game
K : "Ahahahaha! I'm not able to clear sakasama panic! Kamehen! Kamehen! Ahahahaha!"
M : (lol)
K : "And this will be my way of apology, arahen! arahen! I wasn't able to say it (the challenge) ooruokke! oketsu is always makaasaa! Pokepokepoo!"
M : (lol) Its embarassing right?
T : Who thought of this penalty game?
M : Shigeru-san (The sender who sent in the penalty game)
K : This is embarassing. The start of it was still okay..
M : But it slowly became very airheaded.
T : But it was cute.
K : Cute?
T : Man! I don't wanna do the penalty game!
M : Right? That's why I said lets do our best!
Reina's penalty game
T : "Weird Reina ~ Because of weird Reina ~ Hello! I'm weird Reina!"
M : (lol)
T : "Sorry for not being able to clear sakasama! Daffunda!" (Daffunda is an impersonation of someone. You'll know who it is if you catch up with Mini Moni's videos)
K : (lol) What an idiot! There's an idiot here! (Refering to Reina)
Rokkies : (Massive laughter, lol)
M : I really don't want to do it.
K : But you always do it right?
M : Yeah..but look at this!
K : Its worse then those penalty games you get?
M : I can't do such song penalty games.
Rokkies : (lol)
M : I wonder if I can pull through it
K & T : You'll be fine, you'll be fine
Sayu's penalty game (Song)
M : "Onegai ♪ Onegai ♪ Please don't hurt me ♪ Sayumi's heart will weep if you do that ♪ I don't want ♪ I don't want ♪ I don't want ♪ I don't want to do sakasama ♪ Sayu flash! I'll turn angry"
K & T : (lol)
M : Man..
T : That was embarassing too isn't it?
M : Yeah..really..
K : One won't want to say such things isn't it.
M : See! (Desho!, she used "Desho!" lots of time in this episode)
T : Its really a penalty game..
M : See! (Desho! again) This is mean..
Reina's selection, Reina says she sings this in Karokes.
Matsuura Aya - DO YOU LOVE ME?
Sayu no Kobeya (Sayu's small room)
Mail #1
M : "Sayumin, Eririn, Reina-chan, good evening!"
Rokkies : Good evening!
M : "Congratulations on your first LIVE broadcast!"
Rokkies : Thank you!
M : "It seems like Eririn makes delicious cheesecakes, even the members rumar..ah..rumer?"
T : Rumour!
M : Ah! "Rumour about it."
T : That surprised me!
M : This kanji is hyou? (Sayu messed up her kanjis earlier on, its 評判 hyouban which means rumour) "Sayumin and Reina-chan, please give a review of her cheesecakes"
M : This..
T : This girl's..was delicious.
K : Lol, that sounded like you're just answering it normally.
M : That was my truthful answer.
K : The way Reina said it just now was like..
M & T : That was our truthful answer ne! (teaming up on Eri, lol)
K : ..okay..
M : But its seriously tasty isn't it!
T : Yes! Its delicious. Its the best!
M : It was like a perfect dish right?
T : Yeah
K : Not that I'm being overconfident, but I have confidence in my cheesecakes. (Well, the secret behind her delicious cakes is b'cos there's a refrigeeeta in the cake <3)>Mail #2
M : "Sayumin, Eririn, Reina-chan, good evening!"
Rokkies : Good evening!
M : "And also, Reina-chan, happy 18th birthday!"
T : Thank you!
M : "I was present at 11/11 birthday concert!"
Rokkies : Thank you!
M : "During Aichan and Gakisan's MC, they said they want to go for Kani-nabe together with the members and to have a bowling tournament. Have all of you went for it? Lastly, Sayumin's voice sounded weird that day, did you catch a cold? Are you okay?"
M : Sorry for making everyone worry. But now I'm completely fine.
K : She's healed!
M : I'm full of energy now. Apologies about that.
K : In high spirits now!
M : As for the bowling tournament..
T : ..we didn't have it.
K : ..we didn't.
M : And I've never heard about the Kani-nabe outing..
T : Me too. Seems like both of them went by themselves.
M : Yeah.
K : Perhaps it was a secret plan by them (Eri covers up for the gokkies, Sayu follows up quickly)
M : I see..
T : Is that true?
M : Perhaps it'll be held on the member with the nearest birthday to now..perhaps Eri's birthday?
T : I see..
K : That'll be awesome. That plan will be awesome. Please plan it properly.
T : Okay okay okay.
M : Okay, 23rd..
M : During the concert on 11 Nov I had a cold. I wasn't able to bring out my voice properly but yet I was being instructed by Konusapi's staffs to do something. I think I'm a really strong girl (lol)
T : You are.
M : I was told to bring all the members on Konusapi...so was I able to do it? Lets listen to Gakisan, Eririn, Sayumin and Mitsui dressing room recording!
Recording #1 (Gakisan, Eririn, Sayumin, Mitsui dressing room)
Sayu : We're in Nagoya now! Yay, yay!
Aika : Yay!
Gakisan : Yay yay! Yay yay!
Sayu : We're splitted into two dressing rooms, so the ones who are in my dressing room now is, Gakisan
Gakisan : Yes!
Sayu : And..
Eri : Eri-chan!
Sayu : And..
Aika : Mitsui!
Sayu : Yes! 4 of us are here!
Gakisan : We'll be grouped together today!
4 of them : Yay!
Gakisan : What is it, Sayumi?
Sayu : Its a corner that I'll get everyone to do "Usachan peace" pose.
Gakisan : Suddenly? We aren't even done with doing up our hair. Its not the time to do that!
Eri : Yeah.
Sayu : Surprisingly I'm the only one who has done up my make-up.
Gakisan : Yeah. What are we suppose to do now?
Sayu : I think the person who I can get to do the pose most easily is Mitsui..?
Gakisan : Yeah..she's with us now.
Sayu : Mitsui, do the pose
Eri : Mitsui is easygoing.
Gakisan : Lets start off with Mitsui?
Sayu : Do it ~
Mitsui : Usachan peace!
Sayu : And now Kamei-san!
Gakisan : Pokepokepoo do it!
Eri : (Super fast) Usachan peace!
Sayu : Don't mess it up!
Gakisan : Usachan peace!
Sayu : Yay!
Gakisan : This is embarassing.
Sayu : Now for Eri..the last one.
Eri : Usachan peace! (cuteeeee <3)
Back to studio
M : Kamei-san, why did you sound so uninterested?
K : At that time..it was really unexpected..why was I asked to do "Usachan peace" out of a sudden?
M : When our manager told us to do the Usachan Peace that day Eri went "Eh?! Now?!"
Rokkies : (lol)
K : Because I've yet to prepare my hair..the rest wasn't done with their hair too.
T : I see.
M : But since we do it often, its okay.
K : Yeah..you're right.
M : We can't hear Mitsui!
T : Yeah, Aika didn't even talk!
K : Gakisan was talking too much.
Rokkies : (lol)
M : (lol) We didn't get much chance to talk
K : Her voice was covering up our voices.
M : Alright, lets move on to the next dressing room. Aichan, Reina, Koharu-chan, Junjun and Linlin dressing room.
Recording #2 (Aichan, Reina, Koharu, Junjun, Linlin dressing room)
Sayu : And this is the next dressing room
Everyone : Yay! (appluase)
Sayu : Reina happy birthday!
Reina : Thank you!
Linlin : Happy birthday!
Sayu : Please throw in your 18 years old commentary
Reina : 18 years old..that means I'm in the adult team now, but Reina will continue to ??
Everyone : Woo ~ Yay!
Sayu : Eh?
Reina : Thank you.
Sayu : Then..do the first 18 years old "Usachan peace"
Reina : Usachan peace!
Everyone : Yay ~
Sayu : Yay yay yay. Will the rest of you do the "Usachan peace"?
Everyone : Yeah.
Sayu : Great, the team is winning.
Aichan : Woah.
Sayu : Then..Koharu-chan.
Koharu : Usachan peace!
Sayu : Eh? Can you do it again?
Koharu : Usachan peace!
Sayu : Thank you..then..Aichan please do it.
Aichan : Me? Usachan peace!
Sayu : Then..Junjun?
Junjun : Okay. Usachan peace!
Sayu : Thank you. Then..Linlin please do it.
Linlin : Okay. Usachan peace!
Sayu : Nice one. This is the second time of such recordings though..and the 2nd time is during Reina's birthday
Reina : Sorry.
Back to studio
Rokkies : (lol)
M : Reina..
K : ..Who were you saying it to?
M : She suddenly said sorry
T : You aren't listening to me. During the MC on the first concert that day I took up quite a lot of time there so I thought I'll just give an apology through the radioshow.
K : You were really involved in the MC weren't you.
M : I think the second dressing room wins. They did the "Uschan peace" very willingly.
K : Really?
T : At the start I didn't know whats the aim of the whole thing.
M : Aim?
T : I was like "Why am I asked to do the Usachan peace?"
M : (cough)
K : Sayu just suddenly asked us to do it.
T : And we were rushing for time that day. I was still preparing my hair at that time.
M : Yes yes yes! It was almost time for us to perform.
Rokkies : (lol)
K : I understand those type of rush!
M : So I was like "Reina, Ca..ca..can..we..d..do..i..it (usachan peace)?"
K : But since it was her birthday she'll just go along with it.
T : Yeah, I did it with lots of energy.
Rokkies' debut single coupling song
Morning Musume - Namida ni wa Shitakunai
Denshi Sayumi to Koakuma Sayumi (Angel Sayumi and Devil Sayumi corner)
Starting off with Sayu
M : "Something that Angel Sayumi and Devil Sayumi said at the moment when she saw a shooting star"
Angel Sayumi : Uwaah ~ a shooting star! I wish "Konusapi" will continue running for a long time.
Devil Sayumi : Uwaah ~ a shooting star! I hope people will send in their unhappy stories to "Konusapi"
K : That's scary.
M : Well, if Angel Sayumi saw a shooting star she'll wish for the radioshow to continue running, but if it was the Devil Sayumi, the "I hope people will send in their unhappy stories" she won't really think for the listeners, she'll only think of ways for herself to shine instead. You get what a mean?
K : Not really.
M : You don't get it?
T : Yeah, a little. I don't even know what's my answer.
K : Reina..was like..
T : Sorry, I was a little nervous for my turn later on so I wasn't listening to you.
K : Reina was waiting for her turn in a very weird pose just now. A really weird pose.
M : Something that can't be shown.
K : Yeah.
T : "Something that Angel Reina and Devil Reina said when one of the members forgot to bring a certain item and asked Reina to lend her"
Angel Reina : Guess we don't have any other way. Just don't forget to bring it the next time.
Devil Reina : Sure, go ahead. Its 980yen per hour for using it.
M : Scary!
K : Both the replies were scary (lol)
M : Yeah! For me the "Guess we don't have any other way. Just don't forget to bring it the next time." is more scary then the other one.
T : !!!
M : Conversely, its more scary isn't it?
K : Un.
M : Its like "Reina suddenly became so kind".
K : You'll never hear such thing coming out from Reina. It sounds like something an elder sister will say, saying "Don't forget it the next time"
M : It'll make me think you're angry with me.
T : Ah..
K : Yeah, that type of pattern.
K : "Something that Angel Eririn and Devil Eririn said when one of the members forgot to bring a certain item and requested for Eririn to lend it to her"
Angel Eririn : Uuun, go ahead.
Devil Eririn : Fuunnn, go ahead.
T : Wait! (lol)
M : (lol) That was so idiotic!
T : (lol) Were you just fooling around?
M : That was disgusting right?
T : Yeah. Luckily its a radioshow now, the listeners didn't see that.
K : (lol)
M : If not they'll have seen it.
K : That's because..this..this..this is a little..
T : Instead of a "fuun" it was a "fuunnn" ("fun" is "humph" in Japanese, but the way Eri said "humph" was..)
Rokkies : (lol)
M : That's scary.
K : It was a little difficult..
M : Difficult?
K : Yes.
T : This is funny.
M : That was hilarious.
M : "Something that Angel Sayumi and Devil Sayumi said when she got to know that Eri and Reina will be guests (on Konusapi)"
Angel Sayu : I'm worries about my first LIVE broadcast and the duration is kind of long..but since I've got my good friend rokkies, I feel relief.
Devil Sayu : A LIVE broadcast for Sayumi. Both of them better not try and snatch my screentime.
K & T : Ka~chin.
M : It should be Chi~kan (It has no special meaning, just Rokkies being random)
K & T : Chi~kan.
K : Gero gero ~ (Eri being random too)
T : What's that?
K : The next one is from radioname, Mr Moon Rabbit-san, from Saitama-ken (Usually on radioshows they'll say where the mail is from, then the name of the sender)
T : You messed up!
K : Hm..yeah, its reversed. "Something that Angel Eririn and Devil Eririn said after receiving a mail from Sayumi"
Angel Eririn : Waai! A mail, a mail from Sayu!
Devil Eririn : (bored tone) Ah..from Sayu? Must be nothing important, I shall just delete it!
Rokkies : (lol)
K : The Devil one was easy.
M : Yeah, it was better then the Angel one.
K : I saved Sayu's number as "Shige-san" so when she mails me I'll just be like "Ah..from Shige-san?" (sounds uninterested)
M : Yesterday I mailed Eri..even though she was awake she saw that its my mail so she didn't bothered to reply.
T : Wuah..
M : And today she took 3 hours to reply my mail.
T : No way!
K : That's true..
M : Please don't do what Devil Eririn will do.
T : This is..sca..scabear (She just wanted to say scary, but she fumbled)
M : ScaBear?
K : A bear?
M : "Something Angel Sayumi and Devil Sayumi said about Reina's catchphrase of being 13"
Angel Sayumi : Reina is really like a cute 13 year old.
Devil Sayumi : Well, her height is stuck at age 13 too anyway.
K : (lol)
T : That was like ka~chin
M : Its chi~kan!
K : Chi~kan! Piki piki!
T : That was mean.
M : But how tall are you?
T : 151cm..
K : Wasn't it 13cm?
T : HUH?!
K : Aren't you only 13cm? (Lol, Devil Eririn surfaces <3)>Mail #12
M : "Who takes care of the juniors the most among the 3 of you?"
K : Woah.
M : This one..should be Reina right?
T : Reina!
K : Eri! Why must you always scream "Reina!" right before I want to say its me?
M : Eri is always a little slow..
T : That's because I..
M : ..Because she's kame-san (turtle)
K : I see.
T : ..I..
K & M : (lol)
T : Listen to me!
K & M : (lol)
T : They're just chattering among themselves! How mean!
K & M : (lol)
T : Man..nevermind then.
M : Ah, yes yes yes. Where were we again?
T : I think I go out with them the most. The juniors.
M : But going out and taking care of them are two different thing.
T : Nah, but I accompany them! You both don't go out with them isn't it!
M : Yeah.
T : See!
K : I do..
T : At least I accompany them and its a way of taking care of them.
M : But I don't see you together with them! There weren't even any stories about you and them!
K : Yeah! Well..but yeah..no.
M : Well, but Reina does talk to the Mittsi, Koharu-chan, Junjun, Linlin about different things, I think thats really admirable (applause)
T : Thank you.
M : I mean it.
T : Look, Eri looks like she's not happy about what you said.
M : When you're out playing with them you all get along well right?
K : But I'm those who says "play" and I'll really play. The two of us (SayuEri).
T : The both of you right?
M : We always say "Lets go together" but we have yet to even go out together for once.
K : Because we don't really plan for it.
T : Everyone says that often don't we?
K : You're right.
T : Everyone will say "Let's go for dinner next time alright!" but that never happens.
M : Yeah..that's right..its a little difficult for us to get together.
T : Yeah..
M : Reina is really admirable to be able to hang out with the juniors.
T : Yes.
M : Perhaps as a senior I should invited them to join us too.
T : Yeah, its difficult for a junior to ask their senior to join them.
M : Okay.
K : So..next time..let's use some sneaky ways to get them join us for a meal.
T : (lol) Sneaky ways..? Asking them just normally will do.
M : (lol) Asking them "Lets go for a meal" will do. Lets go with a heart mark.
Mail #13
M : "Cute Sayumin, Eririn, Reina-chan, good evening!"
Rokkies : Good evening!
M : "Have you all thought up of a greeting for Eririn? How about "Otsukame"? (Similar to Otsukareina)
K : Otsukame
M : Its kind of easy to understand.
K : "Otsukame"..not bad.
M : Also, "Otsukamesama desu" from Hidekon-san.
K & T : Ah..
K : I might just like that..
T : "Otsukamesama desu"?
M : Its kind of good.."otsukamesama"..
K : "Otsukamasama desu"
T : Is there anything other then "Otsukare"?
M : Erm..from..Osaka, erm no. Ofushi? A sender from Aichi-ken, Oiju810sei-san sent "Ah, kametta kametta" (Again, its a pun. Its suppose to mean "I fumbled" but they changed it to Kametta)
K : Ah, I like this type.
M : But people might not get it.
K : I want this type..gag-liked type.
T : She said she don't want greetings earlier on.
M : You can use this isn't it? "Ah, kametta kametta"
K : I'll like something that I can use at the ending of an event.
M : I see.
K : You didn't get what I mean right?
M : (lol) Well, I just thought we should move on, sorry! Even though I said "I see" but I don't get it. And the next one from Reegan-san..well, we received quite a lot of mails. "Kamei Erimakitokage" (pun, "Erimakitokage" is a frilled lizard) and "Kamei Helicopter" (Pun, “Eri” and “heli” sounds alike)
K : We can use "Eri" quite a lot.
T : Eh? What do you mean?
K : This person's mind-set is to make use of the word "Eri"
M : What does it mean by "Kamei Helicopter"?
K : Don't you get it? It has no meaning.
T : That means its just the pun?
K : Yeah, like those puns I say often.
M : Here's an interesting one.
K : Those (the helicopter one) are like what I usually say "Kamei EriNingen" (it sounds like Eririn, and Ningen is human, so its Kamei Eri human)
M : Here's one "Sounandayo, Kamei nandayo" (Thats right, its Kamei!)
Rokkies : (lol)
K : That's funny.
M : And also "Kameikamikami haa" (Refer to the Taiwan show, its similar to the "kamekame ha" pun)
K : That's interesting..
T : "Kamikami haa"?
M : Isn't it good? "Kameikamikami haa"
T : Sounds like its chinese.
M : Isn't "Souanyo, Kamei nandayo" funny?
K : Yeah.
T : Yeah, its kind of nice.
M : You can even emphasis on your own name. And another one from Aichi-ken's masaki-san, "Gaggu wa uknakutemo, kamehen, kamehen" (pun, "Even if the gags are not funny, kamehen kamehen", the "kamehen" replace the "screwed up")
K : There was a "Kamehen kamehen" earlier on wasn't it? When I heard that I thought it was quite suitable.
M : The listeners are really creative.
K : I'll probably prefer something that uses "Kame"
M : You right..since you're turtle-liked. Using "Kame" might be good.
K : It'll make an impact on people.
T : Ah..
M : Perhaps Rikuneishi-san and Roozeriankiryuu-san's "Otsukame" and "Otsukamesama" might be good.
T : "Otsukame"..
M : There's a similar one from Waksagin-kun "Oyasayumin, Otsukareina, Otsukame-chan"
T : There's a "-chan".."Otsukame-chan"..
M : Why not lets choose two? Since "Otsukamesama deshita" can be used quite often. Lets choose one more?
K : Really?
M : Un.
K : I'm torn between these two.
T : Which?
K : "Oh, kametta kametta" and "Sounandayo, Kamei nandayo"
M : That one (Sounandayo, kame nandayo) interesting isn't it..
K : Its interesting..but "Oh, kametta kametta" can be used quite often..
T : That's quite Eri-liked too. (Since Eri's is fumbling on her words every now and then)
K : See! But "Sounandayo, Kamei nandayo" is kind of funny.
M : Its nice isn't it?
T : Well..yeah.
K : I can't not make a decision now right?
M : Of course.
K : I think I'll take 1 day to decide.
M : (lol) You don't get that long to decide.
T : 1 day..that's long. Its a radioshow here so you can't not give everyone an answer.
K : We can't do that on radioshows..
T : Yeah. We have to give an answer.
M : That's right.
K : What should I choose..I'm suppose to decide at this second?
M : Yes, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, kin!
K : W-e-l-l.
M : You haven't decide!
K : Yeah..this then.
M & T : We don't know which is "this"!
K : Okay..I'll go with "Sounandayo, Kamei nandayo"
M & T : Woo! (Applause)
K : Is it okay to choose that?
M : Of course it is. That means you'll be using "Sounandayo, kamei nandayo" from Reegan-san. A lot of mails came in, like "Otsukamesama desu"
K : The listeners are awesome..it must have been their intuition.
T : Lots of mails came in..
M : They relied on their "Chokkan 2" (Intuition is call Chokkan in Japanese, so they were just playing around with the song title and the word)
Mail #14
M : "Shige-san, Kame-chan and Forever-13 years old Reina-chan, Konbanyappi!"
Rokkies : Konbanyappi!
M : "Reina-chan has probably grew up a lot from the time she debuted but her smile is still as cute as a 13 years old."
T : Yay!
M : You're happy?
T : Of course!
M : Alright.
T : That's all for the mail?
M : Yeah.
T : Ah..I see. Thank you!
Mail #15
M : "The three of you has a princess image?" (lol) (She messed up)
T : That surprised me.
K : (lol) That sounded like Linlin just now.
M : "Sayu started of as shy girls and now became a little devil. Ever since the radioshow started I thought you are like young sexy adult."
M : Ah..this is good.
K : Yeah.
M : Little devil sounds cute.
K : Hm..yeah
T : Yup, it sounds cute.
M : Its good in a way. I like it.
K : That's good.
M : Reina was praised for her cute smile while I'm described as a small devil and a young sexy adult. Both of us..
M & T : Ne ~
K : Its okay its okay.
M : There aren't any Eri-praising mails.
T : That's right.
M : Ah..There's one here!
Mail #16
M : "Eri-chan from being a mature beauty, to being a comedian. My image of her is someone who is full of energy now"
K : Humph.
T : But its good!
M : Yeah, it says you're energetic!
T : You weren't that energetic when you just joined Morning Musume. That means you've changed!
M : Yeah, its good for health too! Health is the most important thing!
K : I wanted to be an energetic person..
M : Then that's good! It even says you're the comedian of the group!
K : Yeah..Its kind of like "C" (?)
T : C?
K : ABC's C, you get it?
T : I don't get it.
K : Like.. A is Kawaii..B is Sexy..C is Funny. (Rokkies' characters)
M : I see. So Reina is A, I'm B and Eri is C.
M : Okay, with that, thank you for all the messages! Its time for the last song now.
K & T : That's fast!
M : This is from Morning Musume's 35th song single.
T : 35th song single?
M : I mean 35th single..I love this song!
T : Me too!
K : Me too!
Morning Musume - Mikan
Ending talk
M : We're at the ending talk! So, today was the "Konya mo Usachan Peace SP"..Reina and Eri-chan, thank you very much for coming.
K & T : Thank you.
M : You guys really helped me a lot in running it.
K & T : It was really fun!
M : Really?
T : Yes!
K : I'll wanna come here again
M : Do come!
K : The past 80minutes were really fun. It flew past quickly.
M : It was fun wasn't it!
T : Yes!
K : Yeah!
M : Eri you didn't feel like sleeping right?
T : Her eyes are wide open.
K : Yeah, wide open.
M : Yeah, her eyes are really wide open.
Announcement of winners (Instead of only 2 winners there were 10 winners)
Rokkies : Congratulations!
Reina promotes Morning Musume's 35th Single, "Mikan"
Eri promotes Morning Musume's All Singles Complete PV DVD
Sayu promotes Hello! Project 2008 Winter Wonderful Hearts and her solo photobook "Sousou".
M : Usachan peace!
K : Sounandayo, Kamei nandayo!
T : Otsukareina!