Ojigi's blog - (5/30) Aichan's batch

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Decided to do up Aichan's posts. Even though I really dislike her boring character at times, and some of the comments she makes can be really stale, I really like the way she tries to promote the rest of the members and often forgetting to make herself appeal. That's our thoughtful Morning Musume leader, who thinks for the rest of the members.


Conclusion ☆
2009/5/30 Saturday by 高橋愛(モーニング娘。)

I had fun today too~♪
It has been some time since we last saw our fans, I really enjoyed myself during today's event (^-^)

All right!! I'll do my best for tomorrow's rehearsal too (^・^)Chu♪
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All right, the end (u_u)o〃


Its Morning Musume ~2
2009/5/30 Saturday by 高橋愛(モーニング娘。)

Continuing from the last post, Linlin ♪♪
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A photo of Linlin eating bread ♪ Lol
She loves to eat (^_^)

Followed by the one we're familiar with,
Reina ☆
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she's not Kuroda Reina,,

She's Tanaka Reina (^^)
Recently she dyed her hair black, she looks younger~♪ She's cute (^-^)

Yes! Continuing, Gaki-san ♪
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The thing inside her mouth, is some sour plum flavoured gummy, lol
She's a very reliable sub-leader (>ε<)

Also Also! Another familiar face,
Not ♪ Ruruka (+o+)
But Michishige Sayumi-chan
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Its Morning Musume ~ ♪
2009/5/30 Saturday by 高橋愛(モーニング娘。)

Today, we had our single event (≧▽≦)/
Hence, we were absent from rehearsal ☆

It has been some time since all of us gathered together and I really enjoyed myself today ( ̄▽ ̄)V

The one who was beside me in the dressing room, Kusumi Koharu ♪♪ As usual, she looks gorgeous ( ̄ω ̄)
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Reina posed too ♪

Include me in the picture too~♪ Lol
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Next,,, Mitsui Aika (^^)
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That's the Mitsui Aika with baby face ☆ She don't behave like a spoiled child ~♪


Aroma ( ^.^)
2009/5/30 Saturday by 高橋愛(モーニング娘。)

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Something I got recently, aroma mask ♪♪

It has a grape flavoured aroma (^^)
Just by smelling the grape aroma, it helps to lose weight ♪ That's what I heard (^^)

This may help me lose some weight (^_^) Yay~♪

Everyone too, please take care of yourselves and don't fall ill!
Even though I was absent from today's rehearsal, i still blogged lol.

Ojigi's blog - Raped by Aichan and Sayu

Sunday, May 31, 2009

As we know, yesterday was Shouganai Yume Oibito's event. After days of not meeting the rest of the members, the Ojigi blog was flooded with posts by Sayu and surprisingly, the 1-post-per-day, Aichan who posted 5 posts in a day, commenting on all the members. Not going to translate everything. Just the posts that have Eri in them. (Apologies, but I'm having my national exams tomorrow)


Its Morning Musume ~ 3
- 2009/5/30 Saturday by 高橋愛(モーニング娘。)

As cute as ever (^^)
She's really cute. She's like my younger sister ♪♪*

Continuing from the previous post~
Kamei-chan ♪
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Looking cute again isn't she ~(^-^)
Since I've blogged about her the other day, I'll just stop here for her part (^^ゞlol

Ah!! Junjun (^.^)
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Sorry for interupting you in the mid of your meal (x_x;)
Junjun's Japanese has improved a lot and now she even knows how to crack jokes in Japanese (^^)lol

*FYI, she was referring to Eri.


- 2009/5/30 Saturday by 道重さゆみ(モーニング娘。)

Hello! I'm Michishige Sayumi ☆
Something funny happened today in the dressing room (≧∇≦)

My good friend, Kamei-san ♪
She was fooled by me while brushing her teeth
After I told her "I'm going to post this on Ojigi's blog so look in the camera direction~"
Without hesitation, she turned around and gave this look ↓
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Upon looking that sight of her, I burst out laughing.
She said "This is embarrasing, stop it ~", with this look ↓
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But Eri being Eri, 3 seconds later she was all excited and looked like this ↓
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But I told her she as an idol shouldn't be doing such stuff and told her "Its not 90 degrees bow, its 30 degrees bow (Ojigi 30do)" and this is how she looked ↓
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And that was Kamei-san, who don't even have any doubt and went ahead doing all the poses I asked her to!

I wonder…
if she knows what's called
You doubt, you refuse.

Please continue to remain as this obedient you.


Looks like Aichan is losing control of herself and starting to sound like the rest of the GoRokkies :P Going crazy over how cute our little turtle is.
Also, lol'd at Eri being so innocent, going along with Sayu's suggestions and making weird poses with the toothbrush in her mouth. Looking cute though.

Ojigi's blog - (5/29) Kamei Eri

Saturday, May 30, 2009

I'm just doing some reflection now.
- 2009/5/29 Friday by 亀井絵里(モーニング娘。)

I was in charge of the blog yesterday, but I forgot to write up a post‥Of course its not that I'm saying that I forgot when its just me not writing one‥But since I forgot to write one, I'm writing up one now.

Hello everyone ~
I'm Kamei Eri who was in the role of Tsuru Erika for our first play.
Being able to take part in this play is like granting one of my wishes.
When I was younger, I wanted my name to be Erika.
I was fascinated by how princess-liked it sounds.
In this play, I get called Erika a lot and it makes me very happy ~

To those who are hesitating to go to this play or not, to come or not, or (or) you can't make up your mind, do come to see us.
It'll make us very happy ~

Reina's looking for me now ~
Oi~ Tanaka-san ~
Eri's over here ~
I'm over here ~

(SPOILERS) Kamei Eri - July issue of De☆View

Friday, May 29, 2009

There will be a Kamei Eri interview will be in the July issue of De☆View.
Ever since Eri has joined Morning Musume through LOVE Audition 2002, which she had read from De☆View before applying for the audition. Eri still has deep memories of her audition choreography test of "Do it! Now". Also, in the June issue of De☆View she had mentioned that she had improved in the song, "Hand made CITY" which she had took over fellow 6th generation member, Fujimoto Miki's lines after she had left Morning Musume. In the July issue, she will talk about another song that she had made an improvement in and that's none other then 6th generation's debut song, "Shabondama". For more of her interview, do get your copy of De☆View July issue.

28 May (B'cos I can't think up of a proper title)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Was reading 2ch today and in the discussion of the lack of Eri's posts in Ojigi's blog,

Fan #1 : Eri's being her usual self, and that makes me feel relief.
Fan #2 : Are you sure she's not dead?
Lol'd. Sometimes, the fans' comments can really make me lmao.

Also, there was a fan who mistook Eri for this lady when he first saw the pictures.

After looking at other pictures of her, she does show some resemblance to Eri. Especially her eyes.

Ojigi's blog - (5/27) batch

Thursday, May 28, 2009

- 2009/5/27 Wednesday by 高橋愛(モーニング娘。)

We had our first dry run today。
We concentrated hard from the start to the end。

I was nervous。。(..)Seriously。。

I'm getting irritated by my poor performance。。
I'll try even harder (>_<) Today, surprisingly!!

I had the same hairstyle as Rin-chan (^^)
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Rin-chan is Karin-chan,
but because my character in the play is called Karin-chan、、、Everyone 、
calls her
Rin-chan ♪

She's really cute ☆ and makes me feel like hugging her (^-^)

All right! I'll try my best tomorrow too ♪


Beard (* ´∀`)
- 2009/5/27 Wednesday by 田中れいな(モーニング娘。)

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Grew beard (lol)

Haruna was eating the seaweed from Ojigi………(*>▽<*)
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I had fun today too ↑↑
We had our first dry run today…
But I didn't know what was happening (lol)

Just a few more days to the real play!!!
Recently I'm thinking that it'll be good if its always the Ojigi period (lol)

Because the last day of the play will also mark the end of this whole thing!!!!

The other time during "Ojigi 30do On-Stage"'s last day, I cried out every single drop of water I have in my body (sweat;

I cried too much and my legs went numb (lol)

It coming to an end is a sad thing〜〜(T-T)
Gees, I want to stop myself from thinking that its a sad thing!!!

But I'll give everything I learned from the rehearsals so please do come and watch us!!!!


- 2009/5/27 Wednesday by 田中れいな(モーニング娘。)

Rehearsal is going to start soon!!!!
Before that……I'm taking a short break♪♪

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Today too…


- 2009/5/27 Wednesday by 道重さゆみ(モーニング娘。)

Last night, I used this ☆!!

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I used bath salts in my bath ↑↑

♪White chocolate♪
♪Mild Chocolate♪

Guess which one I chose to use yesterday?

And the answer is,

Because I was in the mood for strawberry yesterday

Bathing using this felt so good ( ̄∀ ̄)

I recommend it ♪

I was given this so I don't know where you can get them…(-o-;)

After taking a nice bath with sweet scent, it makes me feel relaxed!!
It also makes my skin feel smoother!!!

So with that, I had one hour of happiness (⌒〜⌒)♪♪
Hence, today,
I'll feel relax…

more than usual rehearsals ☆


Every time after relaxing I'll become more enthusiastic than usual !!ε=ε=┏( ・_・)┛


Desperate expression ☆
- 2009/5/27 Wednesday by 道重さゆみ(モーニング娘。)

Good morning!
Yesterday, I stuck stickers that I've brought along on my whistle during rehearsal. It looked really cute ♪♪(≧∇≦)♪♪
While I was desperately trying to decorate the whistle, my manager took a picture of me ☆

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I was really trying wasn't I!?
Its rare to see a picture of me being so diligent right!?(゜∇゜)
I finished decorating it last night 〜\(^ー^)/

Its so cute 〜♪ (>Σ<) that it can melt your heart〜
I can see jealousy〜♪〜θ(●⌒∀⌒●)

So everyone, please come to see us!
Please do ☆
Do pay attention to my cute whistle ☆★
do pay attention to my cute face too (lol) ♪♪★

Ya~an. Ojigi de SHAPE UP ↑
Its full of highlights〜〜☆(≧∇≦)☆

I made a mistake in my "Pink 2" blog. I forgot to include one more photo, but I've edited my post,
hopefully you'll check it out when you're free (*^o^*)


Sayu's additional picture to her "Pink 2" post
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Btw, Sayu sang her solo version of Shouganai Yume Oibito in this week's Konusapi as a punishment so do check it out!

Ojigi's blog - (5/26) Michishige Sayumi's posts

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Something funny happened ☆
- 2009/5/26 Tuesday by 道重さゆみ(モーニング娘。)

Hello ♪
I'm Michishige Sayumi ♪♪
Today I'm going to talk about something funny that happened during the break (^w^)

There was a brush in Yuri-chan's (Sawari Yuri) bag. After taking a closer look it was the brush from a dryer‥(・_・) Eh..?

I took it out and asked "What the hell is this" 〜〜(`∇´ゞ

I asked her to let me take a picture of it,
but she kept refusing cos' Yuri-chan felt embarrassed.
She was really reluctant to let me take a picture of it so I didn't do so.
Here's a picture of Yuri-chan desperately trying to use her towel to cover the brush (^◇^)┛
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After that, Icchii-chan (Ichimura Emiko)
got her hands on the brush and said,
" Quick! Take the picture now"

And here's the picture of Yuri-chan going "Stop it ~", reaching out for her brush (≧∇≦)
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Everyone's just too funny!!!!!!!!!


If we write 東 in Hiragana, its "Haru"
- 2009/5/26 Tuesday by 道重さゆみ(モーニング娘。)

Today too ☆
Rehearsal ended successful ♪

Today's photo is taken with Murakami Haruna-chan ↑
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I was told 東 is read as "Haru"
Haruna-chan is of the same age as me o(^-^)o
Harun-chan always has an energetic smile on her face while enjoying herself during rehearsal,
seeing her this way,
it makes me switch to the "I'm having fun too! Lets try our best!" mood (*^o^*)
Whenever I have negative thoughts and feelings, watching the energetic ☆ Haruna-chan's power, it makes me optimistic ↑
I think she brings happiness to everyone around her〜。
I'll like to become better friends with her too 〜♪
Also, I shall kick away the devilish side of me,
and become a better Michishige Sayumi〜♪

Eri & Reina on Dohhh UP! - 3,2,1 BREAKIN'OUT OPVs

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Eri's turn on Dohhh UP! to watch the 3,2,1 BREAKIN'OUT OPVs submitted together with Reina! Eri made a good opening for the video with her out-of-pitch opening call.

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Perhaps its just Reina being Reina to get close-up shots of herself. Eri followed so, without knowing why they had to move up to the camera.

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Bad eyesight :P Anyway, lol'd at the first OPV's ending. How cute ~
And also, the 3rd OPV, which surprised the girls too that whoever that submitted that didn't use the member's exclusive videos for his OPV, lol.
Reina : "This person has the guts. He's like trying to tell us "This is courage"".

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Great ending by TanaKame, using Reina's dialect.
Reina : Mattouyo!
Eri : Mattouyo!
Reina : Mattouken!
Eri : Mattouken!

Ojigi's blog - (5/26) batch

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Look look! !!
- 2009/5/26 Tuesday by 田中れいな(モーニング娘。)

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We are ☆ cute aren't we?! Lol

Hirata-san is too cute!!!
Hirata-san ~
is like a doll ♪♪
Looking at her heals me from everything ↑↑

Honestly, at first, I thought she's one who's difficult to get along with……She was a little……Scary(^-^;(Lol)
But now she's totally not at all!!!!
Please continue to take care of me from now on ★★


Today ♪ we played lots of games!!!!
I had lots of fun ★☆
I got too excited (lol)

We played a new game!!
Its called the Kokon Douzai game*
(Did I use the correct kanjis? Lol)
If the theme is animals, then we have to name animals one after another!!!!!

But my brain thinks a little too slowly so I'm pretty bad at the game (lol)
I'll seriously lose if the theme was administrative divisions and such so I gave themes such as・・・
Berryz Koubou and C-ute's members' names (lol)

With everyone in ♪ high spirits ♪ it was really fun (*^□^*)

*All times all places game


I'm in the mid of the break (^^)
- 2009/5/26 Tuesday by 高橋愛(モーニング娘。)

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Everyone's scattered all over the place
Upon seeing my camera, Minamoto-san automatically spread out his legs ♪♪
Thank you (^^)
I was surprised by how long his legs are。
I'm envious 〜♪
I'm,, only 153cm (..)

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Also also!! Here's a photo of Sayu's back view ☆
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Sayu's in the mid of making the props she'll be using in the play (^^)
Sayu said she love stickers ♪ She brought them today

All right, that's all for the report of the rehearsal hall〜♪
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Weather ☆
- 2009/5/26 Tuesday by 道重さゆみ(モーニング娘。)

Good morning ♪
Good weather isn't it 。(in Tokyo☆)
I wonder its a clear weather throughout Japan??
Is everyone feeling refreshed???o(`▽´)o

For me, I had a bath‥。

This morning!!
After I woke up in the morning, my right eye kept tearing (ρ_;)
And its just my right eye only,
I wasn't refreshed at all,
in fact my eye was swelling。。
Both the inside and the outside of my eye was in pain and my eye kept "raining"。。
But after applying some medicine it was okay already and I was refreshed and ready to go ↑
Also, in order for my face to be as radiant as the sunshine, I made use of my cute-ness ♪

My mood today changed from rainy to rainbow and to runrun 〜(≧∇≦)

Off I go in this runrun mood for Ojigi's rehearsal ☆
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InterFM FIVE STARS Monday's blog - Niigaki Risa ★2!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Niigaki Risa ★2!
- (090526)

Good evening everyone 〜〜〜〜☆☆
Today two, the high tension GAKIKAME。。。
The listeners who have listened to our radio show………
I thank you from the bottom of my heart……
I'm be in charge of updating this blog this week!
I'm Niigaki Risa!
………Ah……!To make it easier to understand for those who don't really know about GAKIKAME。。
Yes! I'm one of the girls in the GAKIKAME duo。。and if you're wondering which one is me、、、
"The responsible one"
Is!!Me ♪ Niigaki Risa…lol
By the way、、into even simpler words…
"The mumbling (~◇~) and pokepoke one"
My cute partner that I love (*^^*)v
And that's Kamei Eri ☆ Hehe!
All right!!Today too, during the radio show which we had fun hosting in our this and that way…
The thing that I introduced for today's "My FIVE STARS" corner was,
my papa's hands。。
It was really thanks to him that helped me restored back my physique。。
I'm really grateful towards him。。
Its going to be Father's Day soon。。
If I were to thank him directly, even though I'll probably be too shy…
Gathering up all gratitude towards him, I'm going to tell my always-kind-papa…
"Thank you" along with a gift。。(v^^v)
Everyone too。。
Even if you aren't able to express your gratitude you have towards our fathers through words,
why not express it through a gift。。?

Ojigi's blog - (5/25) & (5/26) batch

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Do pay special attention to Aichan's post :P
Aichan's a victim who died of Eri's cute-ness too.


Hello ♪♪
- 2009/5/26 Tuesday by 田中れいな(モーニング娘。)


Shiitake-san can do backflips!!!!
Awesome isn't it ♪♪

I wonder if I'll be able to do them too if I practise hard?!?!
And the answer is, its impossible(lol)〃

I'll fracture my bone instead (^-^;

With that, energetically 〜・・・・
I shall go for rehearsal
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- 2009/5/25 Monday by 高橋愛(モーニング娘。)

After requesting for Kamei Eri-chan to take a photo with me, we took one together ☆
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Eri's very cute and is a really good girl.
Even though she's my junior but I have lots of things to learn from her (^^)
Even though she's a little idiotic Lol
She's a natural airhead〜♪And that adds on to her cute-ness (^-^)

Also,, rehearsal ended successfully today (^・^) Chu♪ I'll do my best tomorrow too ♪


☆Aiin☆ Lol
- 2009/5/25 Monday by 田中れいな(モーニング娘。)

Today's photo, the 3 of us did an
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I love Aiins!!(´・∀・`)lol

Whenever I'm told to do a funny face for a photo ↑↑ I'll definitely do the Aiin pose!!!
Since I don't usually post pictures of me like this, I guess its all right (*^^*)

Haruna (The lady on Reina's left) has a great expression there 〜〜〜〜〜♪♪
Minamoto-san too………Ehh??……

"Your pose looks a little incomplete, are you okay???"
Minamoto-san was in the Aiin pose for quite some time so apparently his mouth got numb。。。

Chuckles (lol) (*^ε^*)
A funny guy isn't it (*>▽<*)

Today during the break I kept impersonating Hannya together with Haruna!!!!
Its was very funny ♪♪


★Put in☆
- 2009/5/25 Monday by 道重さゆみ(モーニング娘。)

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As soon as I joined in the Ojigi rehearsal, I was given bananas (*^o^*)

A large quantity of them‥!

Everyone brought them home f^_^;
I brought 2 bunches of them home ☆★

It has been some time since I last ate banana, it was delicious (⌒〜⌒)

Banana diet o(`▽´)o
Ojigi de SHAPE UP ↑
Banana de SHAPE UP ↑↑

…for the sake of getting a smaller face………(°□°;)


Lunch ♪
- 2009/5/25 Monday by 田中れいな(モーニング娘。)

We WENT to a family restaurant for lunch!!!!!!
Sayu didn't come along this time round so 3 of us just went together ↓↓
Next time lets go ★together★ with all 4 of us all right!!!!!!!(〓´ω`〓)

Rehearsal is going to start soon ♪

InterFM FIVE STARS Monday #008 (090525)

Monday, May 25, 2009

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InterFM FIVE STARS Monday #008 (090525)
(Download) - Sayumin.org

Gaki-san : Hey Eririn.
Eri : Yes? Hey. Can you not call me Eririn please? It makes me feel shy.

Whether its in the morning, or during the evening, Eri never fails to feel sleepy. Eri used "If I don't nap at least once a day, I won't have the strength to live" to emphasise on the importance of afternoon naps to her. Meanwhile for Gaki-san, she's energetic during both morning and evening. The day before, Gaki-san's job ended early so she went to bed at at 9PM. She then woke up at 1AM and took a shower which made her even more refreshed so she ended up watching Haromoni DVDs until 5AM alone. Knowing that she has a FIVE STARS Monday recording, she went back to bed to get more rest till 9AM.

Gaki-san : five-nk@interfm.jp
Eri : P~
Gaki-san : five-nk@interfm.jp
Eri : P~
Gaki-san : ...Erm, I'll prefer you to host this show seriously.

Morning Musume - Shouganai Yume Oibito ♪

Before the recording, their manager reminded them to drink lots of water before the recording since they are going to talk a lot. So Gaki-san drank mouthfuls of water while for Eri, when the staff asked their manager if orange juice will be all right for Eri, she agreed readily knowing that Eri likes orange juice. At that moment when Gaki-san was talking about this orange juice story, Eri was enjoying her 100% orange juice. Seeing how much they have prepared for Eri, Gaki-san really hopes that Eri will host this program seriously.

Mail #1. Sender has problems keeping his mouth shut and not exposing any secrets. For Eri, she knows how to read the atmosphere and decide whether she should be saying it out or not. However, she admits that she ends up exposing them. Gaki-san came up with a short storyline for us to imagine how the scene is like, with a member telling Eri a secret, but the next moment, Eri's in front of everyone going "Just now, Sayu told me..". But still, the secrets that Eri usually leaks are the not-so-serious type. Eri knows when's the time to keep her mouth shut, even Gaki-san agrees with that.

Mail #2. Sender recently realised that 4 years can be quite a big age gap. There are times whereby Eri feels that there's a generation gap between people like Aika or Koharu and her. When she told them about the animes she used to watch when she was younger, both of them didn't know about it. Same thing for Gaki-san and her younger sister. Her younger sister is around Aika and Koharu's age by the way. When Gaki-san told her sister about a well-known person, her sister completely had no idea of such a person. Even though they do have some generation gaps, the moment MM is on the stage together, they don't feel any gap between themselves. Instead, people like Koharu will take up the role of the "elderly" with her bad stamina.

Morning Musume - 3, 2, 1 BREAKIN'OUT ♪

Gaki-san : five-nk@interfm.
RisaEri : j
Gaki-san : p
Gaki-san : five-nk@interfm.
RisaEri : j
Gaki-san : p

Berryz Koubou - Seishun Bus Guide ♪

Gaki-san : Morning Musume no Niigaki Risa to
Eri : Kamei Eri de
Gaki-san : Okurishiteiru InterFM FIVE STARS Monday.
Eri : Haa.
Gaki-san : Are you okay? What's with that "Haa"?
Eri : No. I made a mistake.
Gaki-san : What is it?
Eri : On my script its only written for me to say "Kamei Eri" without the "de", which was supposed be read by Gaki-san.
Gaki-san : Its okay for either one of us to say that! Your "Haa" was because of that?! You really get fascinated by small little things don't you? Can you stop those pointless talk?
Eri : This this!
Gaki-san : All right then, we shall redo it.
Eri : Yes, lets redo it!
Gaki-san : Sorry everyone, please bear with her. Morning Musume no Niigaki Risa to
Eri : Kamei Eri
Gaki-san : de Okurishiteiru InterFM FIVE STARS Monday.

FIVE STARS Corner, Gaki-san's turn ~ The two girls did notice that they have been five stars-ing products every episode so this time round, Gaki-san is going to give five stars to Gaki-san papa's hands! Not long ago during Platinum 9 DISCO concert tour, after all those performances, Gaki-san's physically exhausted too and Gaki-san papa gave Gaki-san a nice 1 hour massage. Actually Gaki-san went to her mama first for a short massage but her mama refused to do it so she asked her papa, who had agreed immediately. Gaki-san's planning to give her papa a massage during Father's day which reminded Eri to announce that she didn't do anything special for her mother on Mother's Day. Gaki-san was surprised because she had assumed that Eri will come out with something after the mother's day talk on FIVE STARS last week. Instead, Eri got into an argument with her mother, yet again. But anyway, they patched up in the end and went shopping together and since it was Mother's Day, Eri let her mother call the shots. Eri's going to try not to miss out this year's Father's day too.

Reira feat. Yuna Ito - ENDLESS STORY ♪

Eri was about to finish her orange juice by the time the show was reaching the ending talk and Gaki-san started commenting on how Eri likes things that little children like and hates the things that little children hate like carrot which Eri had responded with a "I don't want to eat carrots" like a little kid.

Promotion for Shouganai Yume Oibito Single, Single V and ~ Kakumei Gannen Chanpuru ~

Last mail, from a reader of InterFM FIVE STARS Monday blog who talked about Eri's randomness in her blog post. Anyway, this week it'll be Gaki-san's turn to update the blog ~

Ojigi's blog - (5/24) & (5/25) batch

Monday, May 25, 2009

Yoohoo ♪
- 2009/5/25 Monday by 田中れいな(モーニング娘。)

I have one assignment before today's rehearsal!!!

Today's weather is cold ↓↓
━━Only I think so?!━━

had just woke up in her pink jersey but also, my pet is pink in colour and my curtains are pink in colour too. My whole room is covered with pink (・ω・)+゜

Covered by pink…
I really love pink a lot 〜〜〜(*>▽<*) Aha
Pink Reina ♪
Off I go (lol)

Also ♪ It has been sometime since the last time I took lots of pictures of myself with my make-up on like today (lol)
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Looks like I do look more energetic when I have my make-up on after all!!!!
Cosmetics are wonderful (lol)

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Pink ☆ 2
- 2009/5/25 Monday by 道重さゆみ(モーニング娘。)

I realised, my lesson outfit
is totally in pink ♪

I happen to be wearing a pair of pink socks too ♪
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I can't seem to graduate from the pink character after all. Getting this type of reaffirmation, I feel relief. When I thought I should not hand over the pink character to Karin-chan,

She came from behind me,
and greeted in a very cute voice‥
"Good morning".

She was in pink too …………♪
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※This is a photo of my fellow pink companion and me。。

You're sure capable aren't you, Karin-chan. Looking all tough.
When I requested to make a cutesy girl pose together, she immediately made an adorable pose (^_^)v

Karin-chan…I'm looking forward to how you'll be when you grow up ( ̄∀ ̄)
But meanwhile, that isn't the place I'm heading at now (;_;)

Looks like what Aichan said was true. The young one wins (?_?)
How miserable!!


All right!!!
- 2009/5/24 Sunday by 田中れいな(モーニング娘。)

"Lets all do our best for Ojigi!!!"

We formed a circle and gave one another morale support!!!!!
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Who are the two guys standing on the left!?

These 2 guys are from the Sanpo Douraku troupe (*^^*)
They joined us today for the rehearsal ♪♪

Since the 2nd guy from the left, Gou-san,
was in the "Ojigi 30do On-Stage" play too, we on pretty good terms ★☆

It has been some time since I've seen him (*>▽<*)
If only he was in this play this time round again ↓

What a pity (TωT) Sobs Even though he isn't in the play this time round, for some reason he still joined in the circle (lol)〃
Kyahaha (≧▽≦V


OJIGI (^ε^)

- 2009/5/24 Sunday by 高橋愛(モーニング娘。)

Today a the people from Sanpo Douraku troupe came to observe us (^^)
It felt weird so I became nervous。。

Also,, actual day of the play is nearing, so we are actually rushing a little (..)
I wonder if I'll do fine (>_<) I'm very worried about myself faltering my lines (-_-; All right! I'll do my best for tomorrow's rehearsal too! *** ♪ Miss Good Morning ♪
- 2009/5/24 Sunday by 田中れいな(モーニング娘。)

Haa 〜(〓´ω`〓)
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The good weather made me felt good so I stretched myself outdoors!!!!

..Actually, this photo was taken yesterday (^-^;lol

Today's weather is bad (●_●;
I was surprised by the weather when I woke up!!

Upon seeing the bad weather it made my tension went down down too ↓↓↓

I wonder if I'll be okay today(sweat;
Tanaka Reina…。

I wonder if we'll be playing a game during rehearsal??
Games are fun!!!!

The only thing I don't want to participate in is the punishment game ( ̄_ ̄)
They have lots of punishment games

★☆★I'll do my best today too☆★☆
Off I go 〜(*u∀uV


Also, Natori Yukimasa-san had commented a little on the four MM girls' roles in the play.
Takahashi Ai-chan is a cheerful and determined trainer.
Kamei-chan is a modest newcomer who naturally believes in divination.
Michishige Sayumi-chan is an innocent musume aiming to be an attractive trainer.
Also, one on who looks after my character, the lonely stubborn old man, the boyish but is a really kind trainer, Tanaka Reina-chan.